New Bicycle

Today went out for lunch with my friend, then we go to choose bicycle...
My bicycle is grey colour, quite nice and I'm loving it..
It's fun when you cycling with your friends go here and there even though my legs are pain, but still ok for me...
Just now my sister's friend take somethings to me, and she is nice, keep on asking me am I ok stay at here? Got anything can find her, such as go to TESCO those... lolx... Not bad...
Stupid thing I did today is I make someone's bicycle fall down on the floor, and then a boy help me to pick it up... Haha, Quite stupid right? I think those things will only happen to me, because I'm always 'lunzun'... hahaha...
Now skyping with man li... hahaha... quite funny, took lots of photo...

"Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted. "
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